REI Welcomes our friends and supporters to our Annual Holiday Luncheon with Donald Grebein, Honorable Mayor of Pawtucket and Grover Fugate of RI CRMC
Our guest speakers will be:
Honorable Donald Grebein, the Mayor of Pawtucket: Introductory Remarks
Grover Fugate, the Executive Director of RI RI Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC): Presentation on Offshore Wind
The State of Rhode Island and the City of Pawtucket share the esteemed distinction of being the birthplace of the industrial revolution through the accomplishments of the Slater Mill. Samuel Slater recognized the power and capability of the natural resource that was present in the mighty Blackstone River. He harnessed that power to spin his cotton mills and in doing so gave birth to the industrial revolution.
Today there is an equally impressive and notable revolution happening off our coast in the form of wind energy development. The Block Island wind farm has paved the path for large scale wind development in the US and there are many projects just off the RI shoreline being developed.
REI is pleased to have the Mayor of Pawtucket, Donald Grebein, provide our opening remarks for our Holiday Luncheon and we are excited to welcome Grover Fugate from RI CRMC to provide and update and overview of the offshore wind development in the waters off the New England coast.